Wardrobe including 3 modules
Size 1: L 163/H 102 cm low cabinet
Size 2: L216/H192 cm
Size 3: L143/H192 cm
Material: chipboard kronospan 7045 satin
Shelves - on shelf carriers
Two mirrored doors
Standard lever for hangers - 3 pcs
Alloy retractable hinges - Blum Blumotions
Edge handles-Lotus Trading 864 mm, aluminum
The furniture is made to order. For price and project, please contact us!
Dear customers, due to the huge selection of functions, colors and models that these pieces of furniture can be made, it is not possible to buy them through our online store! You need to make a special inquiry to our consultants by phone or e-mail. They will explain how you can specify the dimensions and colors of the furniture you want.
Thank you!